
HC Reporting and Disclosure

How should your organization report human capital information?

McBassi is available to provide expert guidance and consulting to organizations on human capital disclosure and reporting. Human capital reporting is a new world with significant opportunities for HR professionals, progressive employers, and investors.

The importance of the “people side” of the business has been newly-elevated by two major developments:

  • ISO (International Organization for Standardization) human capital reporting standards (ISO 30414: Human Resource Management: Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting)
  • US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule (August 2020) that companies be required to describe material “human capital measures or objectives,” such as information on developing, recruiting, and retaining employees (although the SEC required no specific measures).

These developments have created a major opportunity to enhance measurement, analytics, and reporting within your organization. This is true whether you work in a large publicly-traded company or a smaller privately-held firm – all will be affected by the elevation of the role of key human capital information.

Contact us now to work directly with McBassi CEO Laurie Bassi, an expert on human capital and HR reporting standards, implementation, and implications. Laurie has been one of the leaders in the movement toward human capital reporting standards from the beginning, serving as the Workgroup Leader of the SHRM/ANSI Workgroup on HC Reporting for Investors (the precursor to the current ISO standard).

Interested in learning more about where things stand?

Understanding the New Human Capital Reporting Standards

The ISO HC reporting standards are applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, industry, or for-profit status. They include guidance on reporting in the following areas:

  • Compliance and ethics
  • Workforce costs
  • Workforce diversity
  • Leadership
  • Organizational health, safety, and well-being
  • Productivity
  • Recruitment, turnover, and mobility
  • Skills and capabilities
  • Workforce availability

Our Perspective

The good news is that there’s absolutely something for everyone in the new ISO HC reporting standards – and the US SEC is also taking a flexible, “principles-based approach” to allowing organizations to determine what elements are material to their business.

While almost every organization would benefit in some way from the effort, wisdom, and free advice embedded in the ISO standards, it’s also likely there’s a good portion that may be largely irrelevant for your organization, since the standards are so broad.

Therefore, McBassi recommends that most organizations interested in human capital reporting begin by identifying what subset of the recommended metrics is most relevant to them.

Fully Customized Services: You Choose Areas for Coaching or Guidance

McBassi’s services can take a variety of forms, depending on the specific needs of your organization. We offer an introductory 4-hour on-site interactive workshop, as well as ongoing coaching for a set or flexible period of time.

Our services can focus on areas such as the following:

  • Information on the new human capital reporting standards
  • Examining what’s most relevant for your organization – and why
  • Identifying areas where you do (and don’t) have the information needed for accurate human capital reporting
  • Selecting metrics for initial reporting
  • Developing a plan for calculating and reporting metrics to key stakeholders (including your Board of Directors)
  • Building a strategy for reporting on key human capital metrics consistently over time
  • Identifying whether a strategy for expanded reporting would be appropriate (planning to incorporate some additional metrics in the future)

Every organization is different, so every organization needs its own flexible, customized guidance on how best to benefit from the new human capital reporting standards. That’s where we at McBassi specialize — high-level, collaborative, fully-customized work with each of our clients.


What can McBassi do for your business?