About Us

We’re here to help

Use our insights to move beyond intuition

McBassi & Company works with employers and associations on surveys, analytics, and customized research that provide data-driven perspectives into key areas of your business.

We seek win-win-win solutions, where companies are forces for good, worthy of employee devotion, repeat business from clients or members, and investor support.

For Employers:

We have a unique, data-driven approach to improve results through people management.

We use rigorous analytics to identify the factors in your work environment that have the most influence on your organization, so you know the best way to allocate resources going forward.

Our focus is on creating solutions that improve your profitability and create new work and learning opportunities for employees.

For Associations:

We conduct benchmarking studies and other objective industry analyses on questions of interest to your association’s members.

We, as an unbiased external research firm, provide insights that carry significant weight, with multiple benefits and applications.

The Right Measures

We identify and target key levers you can use to improve your bottom line. Our research goes beyond traditional engagement factors with proprietary tools, such as our “smarter employee survey,” with versions available for small businesses as well as larger enterprises.

The Right Analytics

We know how to convert even messy data (sometimes lots of data!) into insightful results. We can do the work to clean existing data, and then apply powerful analytics that produce actionable insights into the unique people drivers of your business results.

The Right Action Plan

We’ll leave you with a map of pathways that you can take toward increased revenues, higher retention rates, and improved workplace safety.